The crisis creates new opportunities for national business

The biggest economic crisis since the Second World War caused significant changes in international trade.

Among them is the increase in production costs in China. European companies, which traditionally imported from the Far East have taken restructuring programs with the aim of optimizing costs. Their needs are different now. The volume of shipments fell searched dozens of times by orders for millions of units now on order 5 000 - 10 000 units.

European banks also affected by the crisis, which traditionally have issued long-term documentary credit and other instruments to finance international trade, now prefer short-term. That forced European companies to seek providers who agree to short supply and are located close to customers. On the other hand, European companies are being significantly delivaridzhavane and can not maintain large stocks, as it did before the crisis.

Following the crisis, Western consumers are oriented towards cheaper goods.

On the one hand, the above may be considered a disadvantage for Chinese exporters, on the other hand, as a competitive advantage to their competitors from Eastern Europe and especially Turkey. Large Turkish companies in the fields of electronics, household appliances and clothes already on rastove reported significant sales in the last three months, which attributed to the above. Executives of two of the biggest Turkish giants in the electronics and household appliances, "Archelik and Vestel, recently announced the much higher sales expectations, particularly in the United Kingdom. Expectations for 2009 are more optimistic and are based on the opportunities that the crisis has created.

By the end of August 2008 exports to the European Union increased annually with 924.8 million (17.1 percent), while the share in total exports decreased by 62.5 percent in January - August 2007 to 59, 8 percent for the same period in 2008 contribution to reducing the share of exports to the EU-15 have Italy, Germany and Britain. Most grow annual exports to Romania - with 303.9 million (79%) and Greece - with 257 million (31.9%). Exports to Russia increased by 132.7 million (67.7%) and Belgium - with 128.5 million (22.4%). U.S. exports fell - by 30.7% (63.4 million) for Italy - by 4 percent (37.7 million) and Ukraine - with 10.1 percent (11.7 million) .

The largest share in total exports has exports to Greece (10.1% of total exports, 1062.2 million), followed by exports to Turkey (10% of total exports, 1055.6 million).

Special interest are the markets where our exports recorded the highest growth and / or relative share is greatest, namely market in Romania, Greece, Turkey and Serbia. And the four neighboring countries are Bulgaria, which implies faster deliveries and lower transport costs. Therefore, local companies exporting to these markets have significant competitive advantages. On the other hand, the state instead to spend the surplus "wholesale" much more effective would be to concentrate its efforts to boost exports to those countries precisely where the potential for export is greatest.

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